
All text added to a photo product, whether added by clicking the Add text button in the Designer’s top menu, or already included in a selected layout, can be customised. To configure the appearance of a text, click on the Text Editor button at the top of the selected text.

Text editor button

The Text Editor displays the available tools at the top and the text content below. Here you can edit and modify your text as required.
Font: The Font box allows you to choose from a variety of available fonts for your photo product. Click on the desired font to select it.
Font size: The Font size box provides a list of text sizes. Click on a size to apply it to the text. Alternatively, you can type the desired size directly into the Font size box and press Enter. Next to this field you will find buttons that allow you to increase or decrease the size of the font point by point. Note that some fonts may be limited in size depending on the surface selected.
Line height: Line spacing in the text box is set to automatic by default, depending on text size. To customise the line spacing, open the Line height field and select a specific value. Alternatively, you can enter the desired spacing directly in the same field and press Enter.

Text editor

Character Styles: Styling options such as Bold, Italic, and Underline are available to enhance your text. Please note that some fonts do not support bold or italic characters. This is due to the font itself and is not a fault of the software. To get bold or italic text, you should choose fonts that offer these styles.
Alignment: You can align the text horizontally (left, centre, right, or justified) and vertically (top, centre, or bottom) within the text box.

Text with styles activated

Text colour: To change the text colour, click on the Text colour box. This will bring up the colour menu with several options. For a wider range of colours, click on Colour selection which will open a window with an extended colour palette and a box for entering a specific HEX value. Note that the text colour selection only affects the text itself, not the background or highlight colour.
Background colour : This box allows you to fill the entire text box with a specific colour.
Highlight colour : This box applies a background colour behind the text. The highlight colour will overlay the background colour if both are selected.

Coloured text with highlight and background colour

Automatic font size: You will find this function at the bottom of the text editor window. When enabled, if the text box is resized to a smaller size than the original text size, the text size will automatically adjust to ensure visibility within the box. Once you have configured your text, click OK to apply the changes to your photo product.

Coloured text placed on photo book

You can change the text configuration as many times as you like by clicking the Text editor button again.

Text on Photo Book spine

When you create a Photo Book, you can add text to the spine. Write and customise your text on the Cover, then select it and click the Position button on the right. Under the Align section you will find the On book spine button. Clicking it will automatically place your text on the spine of the cover. Please keep this in mind to ensure correct display:

  • Use the On book spine button to avoid manual positioning.
  • Never place the text box outside the inside fold lines of the spine. Note, however, that the spine fold lines in the preview are orientation aids, not exact references.
  • In the Text Editor, centre the text so that it is centred on the spine.

Text on Photo Book Spine


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