Apply Filters

Apply Filters

To make colour adjustments to images and objects in a photo product, you can apply filters. These filters allow you to adjust the contrast, colour and saturation of objects once they have been placed. To apply filters, select the object and click the Filters button on the right, which opens the Filters menu.

By adjusting the Brightness, you can increase it up to 100 (maximum white point) or decrease it down to -100 (maximum black point). This versatile adjustment is not only useful for images, but also for cliparts. For example, you can turn a black clipart into white by maximising its brightness, or vice versa, turn a white clipart into black by reducing its brightness.

Filter applied to clipart, brightness increased

By adjusting the contrast value, you can increase or decrease the contrast of the object, ranging from 0 (no change) to a minimum of -200 and a maximum of 500.
Changing the Saturation value affects the colour intensity. With a default value of 100, setting it to 0 will make the image or object black and white, while increasing it can increase the colour saturation up to 300.

Filters applied to image

Adjusting the Hue value changes the hue of the image, allowing you to adjust the tone of an image or create an artistic result. Within the Colour field, you can select a hue to tint the selected object, and its intensity can be controlled using the Colouration (Opacity) field. By modifying the Hue and Colourization fields of cliparts or texture fill boxes, you can easily achieve colour harmony in your photo product design.

Colourization filter applied to clipart

In addition, some filter template options are displayed below the tools. Pressing the Reset button at the top will reset the object to its original values.


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