Policy on the use of cookies

This cookie policy describes how Saal Digital Fotoservice GmbH ("Saal Digital", “we” or “us”) uses cookies and similar technologies to collect and store information when you visit our web pages (" Website") or receive e-mail from us. For additional information about our privacy practices, please read our Privacy Policy.

What is a cookie?

Our website uses session cookies and persistent cookies as well as pixel tags and/or Java script tags to collect and store certain information about you. A cookie is a small text file that is sent from the website to your computer or mobile device and stored on your computer’s hard drive via the web browser or web application and when you visit our website. Each cookie is unique to your web browser and can only be retrieved by the web service that stored it.

How and why do we use cookies?

Cookies are necessary, for example, so that you remain logged in during your visit to the website. If you have visited a web service that leaves a cookie on your hard drive, it is possible that the next time you access this computer you will find personal preferences that you do not have to re-enter. Other cookies are used to store settings within a session, such as the status of a shopping basket when you make a purchase. Cookies can help you to work more efficiently. Have you ever placed an item in a virtual shopping basket in an online shop and after a few days of visiting the website you have noticed that the item is still in the shopping basket? This is an example of how cookies work. Cookies can, however, also be used to optimize websites by storing information on use and user behavior. This information is collected centrally and can then be evaluated. The information gained is used to constantly improve the ergonomics of our website and to better serve our customers. In principle, data saved by cookies is stored anonymously on our websites, i.e. no personal data is stored. Cookies can be stored for different lengths of time in the browser, which is determined by our web service depending on the application when a cookie is created in your web browser.

Cookie retention times

Cookies used to administer your session, so-called session cookies, only exist for as long as you are using our website. Session cookies are necessary, for example, so that you remain logged in during your visit to the website and will be removed from your computer once you close your browser. Other cookies have longer storage times, which are tied to a specific purpose.

Cookies from service providers (Third-Party Providers)

In contrast to the cookies stored directly by us on your computer, it is possible that cookies from third parties are used. Cookies which are stored directly by us on your computer and used only by us, serve to recognize you when you visit the website again. Third party cookies are stored on your computer by an independent service provider on our behalf and may be used by those third parties to recognize you when you visit our website or other third party websites. Although we may provide third parties with access to the website so that they can place cookies on users’ computers in compliance with applicable laws as described in this cookie policy, we do not retain control over the information collected by those cookies or access to that information. This information is fully controlled by the respective third-party provider in accordance with its privacy policy. Pixel tags can also be used in e-mails that you receive from us. To learn more about cookies, please visit: www.allaboutcookies.org or www.youronlinechoices.eu.

How can I control the use of cookies?

Every browser offers the possibility to display cookies, to delete some or all cookies or to block the storage of cookies completely. The blocking of cookies can, however, lead to the fact that our web services partly or no longer function at all. Therefore, this procedure is not recommended for the use of our web services.

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